

Mobile Satellite Phones
Fixed Satellite Phone
Maritime Satellite Phone


Portable Satellite Internet
In-Motion/Vehicular Internet
Satellite Internet M2M
Satellite Internet Maritime


Maritime Satellite Phone
Satellite Intenet Maritime


Iridium Phone
Iridium Go! Plans
IsatPhone Plans
Inmarsat Bgan Plans
Fleet One Plans

Hughes 9502 Terminal (One piece model)

    The engineers at Hughes have developed a one-piece 9502 BGAN terminal that places the modem behind the antenna. This amazing all-weather terminal is sealed (IP-66 Ingress) to withstand powerful waterjets from any direction. The 9502 One-Piece is identical in operation as the standard two-piece 9502, the difference being no bulky antenna cable or enclosure needed. Ethernet and 12 volt DC power are the only cables running to this terminal. The One-Piece 9502 system is also identical in service performance to the Two-Piece 9502, even though it has a smaller antenna. Both systems are class 2 BGAN terminals. Only a 12 volt power cable and an Ethernet cable are needed for the cable run to this device. Exterior rated Ethernet cables are rated for 328 foot (100 meter) cable runs.